Its christmas morning, you come down the stairs. Your excited, in anticipation of opening the presents for you under the tree. All your presents are placed in front of you and you begin to open them. You open several of them , but leave a few of them unopened. You go back upstairs not to return. Imagine how your loved ones ,spouse, etc. would react to this scenario. This behavior mirrors the behavior of millions of people today who begin the journey up the ladder of success, but never succeed. This was me, I was forever preparing but felt like I was never prepared. Then It hit me. Why don’t You Open Your Gifts! I discovered that every file I had created and ever folder saved on my computer was in fact a business venture I could pursue.
My journey has taught me several valuable lessons along the way. My purpose in my blog is to share some of these lessons in hopes that they will aid you in your travels along the road of success. I have to plead guilty to having what many term as being analysis Paralysis. I would analyze business strategies and read every book I could find on the subject. Before I knew it I looked back and found that I had become an Information Hoarder. That’s why my message today is OPEN YOUR GIFTS.
Success is a journey that has been traveled by many individuals before you. If you want to know how to do something correctly just follow the individuals that have traveled the path before you. Follow the recipe in order to bake your cake. You may not get the same cake but you will get a cake. The steps for success have been clearly cut. Just step in the steps of the great entrepreneurs who have lead the way. Who knows, you may even be one of the greatest ones yet.
I look forward to expressing my thoughts and experiences in the blogs to come. So until next time just remember. Always OPEN YOUR GIFTS.
This was very insightful and made me reflect on some thoughts
This is great save your gienus
Have u heard of a click bank
Yes I’m familiar with click bank. A billion dollar industry. It is closely tied to affiliate networking. I will do a blog post on it and share it for anyone who may want to pursue it. Great question by the way. It will make for a great blog. These are the type of articles I hope to share with my readers.
This was a very inspiring message l completely agree its so easy to give up on something before completion or get easily side track. Once we srart something stay focused until completion. Looking forward to next blog
Awesome and unique perspective!
Thanks for reminding of things I need to revisit. I just need to open what’s right before me. The gifts I have avoided (like you files, notes,….)
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